Monthly Archives: January 2013

Top Five 2013 Resolutions for Employers

The year 2013 will be another challenging year for employers. Unions and plaintiffs’ attorneys will be emboldened by the government’s aggressive post election energy.  If you don’t know what to do first here are five things to act on promptly. … Continue reading

Posted in Benefits, Discrimination, Exemptions, General, Harassment, Independent Contractors, Labor Law, NLRB, Overtime, Union avoidance, Unions, Wage-hour | Leave a comment


Many local governments will begin labor negotiations soon.  Careful preparation is critical.  Remember, some union negotiators, (like firefighters), have significant down time while at work.  They are not playing Parcheesi endlessly in the dayroom—they are studying their contracts.  Some also … Continue reading

Posted in collective bargaining, General, Interest Arbitration, Labor Law, Public Sector Unions, Unions | Leave a comment

Ten Reasons to Find a New Labor/Employment Attorney—Part 4

In Part 1 of this series, we discussed what you should expect of your lawyer in terms of responsiveness and expertise.  Part 2 continued the discussion and explained how you should measure the experience of your attorney.  Part 3 addressed … Continue reading

Posted in Benefits, General, Immigration, Lawyers | Tagged | Leave a comment

Ten Reasons to Find a New Labor/Employment Attorney—Part 3

In Part 1 of this series, we discussed what you should expect of your lawyer in terms of responsiveness and expertise.  Part 2 continued the discussion and explained how you should measure the experience of your attorney.  This installment addresses … Continue reading

Posted in General, Lawyers, Legal fees | Leave a comment